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Community building & politics

Community building & politics

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*Please note this panel will not be livestreamed. All the action happens right in the Zoom room!  

Your Panelists

Rabiah Elisa

Rabiah Elisa is a cultural observer and storyteller -- dedicated to bringing people from all backgrounds together around common causes and interests to create movements that are decentralized, teachable, and ever-evolving. Rabiah has worked every angle of digital from email production, copy writing, mobile fundraising, event planning, audience growth, ad acquisitions, and strategic partnerships -- primarily in the political and policy reform arenas. No matter the client or medium, Rabiah's primary goal is to establish, scale, and sustain community and brand loyalty.


Felix zeltner

May 1

How to run a 1M+ community with Michelle Sims

June 5

What’s broken in community building? Pt II Money with Carrie Melissa Jones + Bilyana Freye